Festa Della Musica: Live Music Comes Back to Catania Sunday June 21st
June 21st is a special day: To celebrate Summer Solstice, Multiple music events are usually held worldwide as part of an initiative that started in France in the Mid-80s: Fete de la Musique. In my previous life, I was actually the director for FdlM in Beijing for 2 years organizing and managing up to 50 shows the same day. It’s a very special day indeed!

Festa Della Musica Catania 2021
Imagine my joy when i fond out that this Sunday 21st, Catania would get its own Festa della Musica held downtown at the Duomo (aka under the Elephant’s Balls).
The municipality of Catania is planning a special #openday, commemorating the 26th edition of the initiative promoted by the Ministry for cultural heritage together with SIAE and Associazione Promozione Festa della Musica.
The event will run from 11:00 to 22:00 with free live and online shows and the strictest anti-covid precautions will be observed: Body temperature checks, assigned seating and pre-registration mandatory.Also, face masks are mandatory!
Check the FB page of the event for more details:
or book your spot directly on event brite:
The Palazzo in via Vittorio Emanuele will present four different musical performances:
– 11 am, the Calamus Group of the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali Vincenzo Bellini Catania;
– 5pm, the Conservatory of the Vincenzo Bellini Institute for Musical Studies in Catania;
– 7pm the Sicilian Opera Choir;
– 8.30pm the Orchestra of the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania.
The courtyard of Palazzo degli Elefanti will host, at 7 pm, the Catanese String Orchestra conducted by the violinist Fabio Raciti, who will perform music by Vivaldi, Mozart, Mascagni, Sostakovic.
The online streaming section will include a series of musical proposals on #plateacomune and the facebook page of the Department of Culture.
To participate in the initiative, videos of a maximum duration of 5 minutes can be sent to cultura.eventi@comune.catania.it by 14.00 on Friday 19 June.
I’m not exactly a huge fan of classical music but just the fact that live music performances are back is a huge boost of confidence in turning the Covid19 corner and getting back to some sort of normalcy.